Have this recipe printed out and ready... everyone will want this easy and delicious recipe! You can make it vegetarian by subbing vegan Tamari and adding vegan chicken nuggets.
You will need:
1 Napa cabbage, small to medium sized,
sliced up starting at smaller end, do not include harder pieces at root end 2-3 stalks of green onions, sliced thinly (set aside)
2 pkg Chicken flavored Top Ramen
3/4 cup salad oil
3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup Orchard seasoned rice vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
cooked shredded chicken (legs or breast meat)
2-3 tbsp sesame seeds
1/2 cup sliced almonds
3/4 cube butter
In oven (400 degrees) brown on a cookie sheet 2 pkg of broken up Top Ramen Noodles. Include the seasoning packets, add 1/2 cup sliced almonds, 2-3 tablespoons sesame seeds and 3/4 cube butter cut into pieces, scatter all
over the top. Watch this carefully as it burns easily. Stir frequently, moving bottom
pieces to the top. When browned but not dark, remove immediately from the cookie sheet, set aside to cool (depending on your oven, should take from 5 to 7 minutes). You want this lightly browned.
Cook the chicken pieces until well done; cool and shred. You can also use left-over chicken, or chicken breasts. When cool, shred.
Now make the dressing for your salad. Be sure this does not go on the salad until just before serving as the salad will get soggy!
3/4 cup salad oil 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup rice vinegar (I use seasoned vinegar) 1 tablespoon soy sauce Mix all together in a jar, shake well, and set aside until ready to use.
Combine the cabbage, green onions, and Top Ramen mixture. Mix well, add the cooled, shredded chicken, mix again. Add dressing just as you sit down to eat.
This can be made days ahead. Keep all components separate and put together just before
serving. I like to add grilled, shredded chicken or roast chicken; it has more flavor. Enjoy!
and do share the recipe!
This amount of salad feeds a family or group with no leftovers! If using partial servings, add dressing as salad is served.