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Childhood, that magical, wondrous time that forever stays in our hearts and nourishes our souls.  We are loved for who we are, simply and completely. It is such a safe and happy place that we as adults cling to the memories and enjoy being 'kids' whenever we can.


Let us re-capture the pure essence, the magic moments of childhood, when we were kids just being kids, and loving it! Let us remember the awe of new awareness, the surprises of life, the absolute beauty in every incredible  moment! 


My mother used to say to me when I was small, holding my hand tightly, "Always look for the silver lining!" Every weekend mornings, she would open the dining room drapes and sing with us, "Oh, Let the sun shine in, face it with a grin..." no matter what was happening in our lives. To this day, that is my motto and this is what I strive to pass on to my children -- that life is wonderful, and worth any troubles it may bring.  


The soul was designed to soar without bounds. Simple things gave us such great pleasure. Like children, we can let life excite us! Inspire us and lead us on the greatest adventure ever!



Disney Fun


Earth and Science

The Zoo

Kids Zone


Logan visits Grandpa
Ashley & Michelle at the river
Logan chasing chickens
Ian and Bryar
Logan's first real bed
Logan loves Barney
Ian and Mariko

© 1992 Dunn Farm ~ Life in the Sierra Nevada

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